Products tagged with 'London'

London - Hyde Park, Rotten Row, The Brook Meet c1900s - N3129

The Brook Meet, Rotton Row, Hyde Park in London c1900s

London, SE - Herne Hill, Fireman c1900s - N3141

Fire Fighter, Herne Hill in South East London c1900s

London, SE - Herne Hill, Fireman named William 26th December 1909 - N3140

Fireman named Will from Herne Hill Fire Brigade in South East London on 26th December 1909

London - The Tower of London c1900s - N3153

The Tower of London with a Jack Daw bird in London c1900s

London - Tram, Omnibus and Taxi c1900s - N3152

Tram, Omnibus and Taxi in London c1900s

London, E - Romford Road, Congregational Church, Forest Gate c1910s - N3159

Congregational Church, Romford Road, Forest Gate in East London c1910s

London - Charing Cross c1890s - N3158

Charing Cross and Train Station in London c1890s

London - London Life, Cab Rank c1910 - N2968

London Four Wheeler Growler Cab threatened with extinction in London c1910