St Just
Quality photos of St Just in Cornwall
Cornwall - St Just, Charabanc outing c1900s - N4607
Local people, Charabanc outing, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Children playing games c1900s - N4608
Local children playing in Street, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Fisherman and Local people c1900s - N4608
Fisherman and local people, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Local people in group photo in rowing boat c1900s - N2679
Local people in rowing boat on the shore, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Market Square with Decorations c1900s - N3622
Local people, Market Place, Celebration of Edward VII Coronation, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Market Square, Celebration Coronation of Edward VII c1902 - N3476
Local people, Market Place, Celebration of Edward VII Coronation, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Royal Mail Carriage c1900s - N4329
Local people with Royal Mail Carriage which went out of service in 1921, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Village outing c1900s - N3638
Village Outing to the beach, St Just in Cornwall c1900s