St Just
Quality photos of St Just in Cornwall
Cornwall - St Just, Chapel Road, Horse Bus c1900s - N3604
Local people on horse bus, Chapel Road, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Commercial Hotel and shop with bus outside c1910s - N2684
Commercial Hotel with bus outside, St Just in Cornwall c1910s
Cornwall - St Just, Commercial Hotel with Pony and Trap c1900s - N3465
Pony and Trap outside The Commercial Hotel, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Commercial Hotel with Shire Horse outside c1900s - N2677
Commercial Hotel with shire Horse outside, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Cornish Coast, Reindeer Boats and Punts Decorated c1900s - N2682
Cornish Coast with Reindeer Boat and Punts decorated, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Day trippers from St Just c1900s - N3639
Day trippers on the beach from St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Donkey and Cart c1900s - N2675
A Donkey and cart with man sitting in cart, St Just in Cornwall c1900s
Cornwall - St Just, Drapers Shop, W G Stevens c1900s - N3464
W G Stevens Drapers Shop, St Just in Cornwall c1900s